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科斯塔斯·杜兹纳是英国批判法学的领军者、西方精神分析法学的代表人物。他运用拉康的精神分析理论揭示了西方正统自由主义人权理论的内在悖论,指出福山宣告的历史的终结和人权的全面胜利并未来临,并且永远不会来临。宣告人权取得全面胜利实际上是在宣告人权死亡。按照自由主义人权哲学,权利名目不断增多、权利保护范围不断扩大表明人权在持续发展,最终将趋近“人的全面解放”。而杜兹纳则认为,“权利的爆炸”并不是通往人的解放之路,它将导致人的“碎片化”:权利越多,主体就越加分裂,而越加分裂的主体将愈加欲求权利,从而导致权利的新一轮增殖及主体的进一步分裂。权利愈多,就愈觉权利匮乏,这就是权利自我增殖的怪圈。要破解自由主义人权哲学的怪圈,必须引入他性伦理学,借助爱和团结,因此笛卡尔和康德确立的以自我为核心的伦理学必须扬弃。整体而言,作为西方世界衣食无虞的知识分子,杜兹纳的人权哲学在消弭过度的权利诉求方面更有价值,而在消除真正的权利匮乏及提高人权保障程度方面意义有限。 Costas Duzner is a leading figure in British critical law and a representative of Western psychoanalysis. He used Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory to reveal the inherent paradox of Western orthodox liberal human rights theory. He pointed out that the end of history and the full victory of human rights announced by Fukuyama are not coming, and will never come. The declaration of human rights to a full victory is in fact the death of human rights. According to the philosophy of liberal human rights, the increasing number of rights and the expanding scope of the protection of rights show that human rights are undergoing sustainable development and will eventually converge on “the full liberation of human beings.” And Dzunner argues that “the explosion of rights” is not the path leading to human liberation and will lead to “fragmentation” of people: the more the rights, the more fragmented and the more divided The subject will be more desire to rights, leading to a new round of proliferation of rights and the further division of the main body. The more the rights, the more you feel the lack of power, which is the cycle of the self-proliferation of rights. To break the cycle of liberal human rights philosophy, we must introduce other sexual ethics and love and unity. Therefore, the self-centered ethics established by Descartes and Kant must be discarded. On the whole, as a well-fed intellectual in the western world, Duzner’s philosophy of human rights is more valuable in removing excess claims of rights and has limited significance in eliminating genuine rights deficiencies and improving the protection of human rights.
目的:观察颈椎病的MRI表现。材料与方法:搜集1995年3月-1996年3月期同经MRI诊断为颈椎病的病倒151例,男95例,女56例,平均年龄49.5岁。均应用西德SINMENS公司Magnetom Impact1.0T超
目的探讨老年肺炎并发多器官功能衰竭(MOF)患者的临床表现.方法:对47 例老年肺炎合并MOF 患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析总结.结果:老年肺炎合并MOF 患者器官衰竭以心、肺和脑常见