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多媒体系统目前在国内已经普及,不论是学校教学还是公司会议,都离不开多媒体技术。多媒体语言的运用为信息传递过程构架了一个全新的文化系统和意义系统,也是一个具有特定结构形态的符号系统。多媒体技术在传播信息过程中所构建的交互系统即为视听意义上的动态情景。本文试图以符号学为视角,将多媒体技术的信息载体延伸到符号层面,具体分析了蕴含其中的三种六类符号。旨在探讨如何运用符号学观念更好地设计多媒体文件,并为更好地达到信息传递效果提供依据。 At present, multimedia systems have been popularized in China. Whether it is teaching in schools or corporate meetings, multimedia technology can not be separated. The application of multimedia language constitutes a brand new cultural system and meaning system for the process of information transmission, and is also a symbol system with a specific structural form. The interactive system constructed by multimedia technology in the process of disseminating information is the dynamic scene in audio-visual sense. This dissertation attempts to extend the information carrier of multimedia technology to the symbolic level from the perspective of semiology and analyzes the three types of six kinds of symbols embodied therein. The purpose of this paper is to explore how to use semiotic concepts to better design multimedia files and provide the basis for better information transmission.
魏晋南北朝,一个分割、混战、动荡的时代,战争频繁,政权更替,大规模人口迁徙,南北民族大融合,思想特别活跃。儒、道、释三家融合,为春秋战国“百家争鸣”引起的第二次重 Wei