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“刘桂琴被查了。”这消息在辽宁省本溪市明山区卧龙街道办事处金坑村传开后,有村民放起了鞭炮。刘桂琴任金坑村村委会主任期间,霸占集体耕地、林地等归个人所有,暴力圈占集体荒山种植榛子7年。她还仗势欺人、多次殴打村民,干扰村委会换届选举。村民看不惯却又不敢惹。今年3月,明山区纪委对刘桂琴作出开除党籍处分,涉嫌违法问题移送司法机关。这是全省惩治“村霸”和宗族恶势力的一个缩影。截至目前,全省各级纪检监察机关、公安机关、检察机关立案查办涉及“村霸”和宗族恶势力案件209件,办结43件,挽回 “Liu Guiqin was investigated.” The news was released after villagers opened fire in the village of Jin Hang Village, Wolong Sub-district, Mingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province. During Liu Jingqin’s Ren Jinkeng village committee’s director, occupy the collective arable land, woodland and other owned by individuals, the violence circle occupies collective barren hills planted hazelnut for 7 years. She also bullied the bully, repeatedly assaulting the villagers and disturbing the general election of the village committee. The villagers could not bear but did not dare to mess with them. In March this year, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Mingshan District dismissed the party for dismissal from Liu Guiqin and transferred the issue of illegal activities to the judicial organs. This is a microcosm of the punishment of “village tyrants” and clan forces in the province. Up to now, discipline inspection and supervision organs, public security organs and procuratorial organs at all levels across the province have investigated and dealt with 209 cases involving “village tyrants” and clan and evil forces, and concluded 43 cases
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词语镶嵌是指将一个固定的词语拆散开来,在中间镶嵌进其他词语的一种修辞现象。 词语镶嵌在应用写作中是较为常见的,如: ①现在,有许多会议是会而不议,议而不决,决而不行,行
兴安盟是火情多发区之一,火情成灾率高,火灾损失严重,同时还受到锡盟、哲盟和蒙古等外来火的威胁。总结兴安盟多年防火经验,结合本地区 Hsien UNITA is one of the most pr
着法(红先和):1.(兵)65 前(卒)1 2.(帅)51 (卒)51 3.(帅)51 (车)25 4.(帅)54 (车)54 5. 前(兵)1 (将)61 6.(兵)41 (将)61 7.(兵)76 (车)59② 8.(帅)45 (卒)76 9.(帅)54 (卒)