当前,苏北滩涂开发已取得了一定的成效,但效益不高、徘徊不前乃是开发中的顽疾。其中小城镇建设不配套,使滩涂开发失去了作为支撑点的“大本营”,不能不说是一条重要病因。本文试图就苏北沿海滩涂小城镇的建设问题简述陋见。 1.小城镇在沿海滩涂开发中的作用小城镇,是一个农村地域的中心,集政治、经济、文化、交通等多种功能于一体。苏北沿海滩涂的开发实践证明,小城镇是滩涂开发的依托,也是滩涂开发的前线指挥部与基地,滩涂开发离不开小城镇的建
At present, the development of the beach in the northern Jiangsu has achieved certain results, but the benefits are not high and the stagnating development is a stubborn illness in development. One small town construction is not complete, so that the beach development has lost its support as a “stronghold”, we can not but say that it is an important cause. This article attempts to briefly explain the construction of small towns along the beach in northern Jiangsu. 1. The Role of Small Towns in Coastal Tidal Flat Development Small towns are the center of a rural area, integrating political, economic, cultural and transportation functions. The practice of coastal beach development in Northern Jiangsu proved that small towns are the basis for the development of beach and also the frontline headquarters and base for the development of beach. The development of beach can not be separated from the construction of small towns