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近年来,中国军事史的研究空前活跃。随着战争史、军事思想史、军事制度史、军事技术史等方面研究的深入,不少同志对军事历史学的学科理论、军事历史分期、研究方法、今后设想等问题,也展开了热烈讨论。其主要之点综述如下: 一、关于军事历史学的性质、地位和作用军事历史学的性质,大致有四种不同的看法:一是认为军事历史学是整个军事科学体系中的一个不可缺少的组成部分。二是认为是历史科学的一个重要分支。三是认为军事历史学是一门军事科学和历史科学的交叉学科,它既是中国通史的一部分,也是军事科学一个很重要的部分。四是认为军事历史学是关于军事的发生和发展的历史,它所涉及的范围非常广泛,包括军队建设史、战争史、军事技术史、军事学术史、军事思想史等内容,也可以说,军事历史学就是军事科学各个学科的发展史。 In recent years, the research on Chinese military history has been unprecedented. With the deepening researches in the history of war, the history of military ideology, the history of the military system and the history of military technology, many comrades have also held heated discussions on the subject theories of military history, the staging of military history, research methods, and future plans. . The main points are summarized as follows: I. About the Nature, Status and Role of Military Historiography There are basically four different views on the nature of military history: First, military history is considered as an indispensable part of the entire military science system component. Second, it is considered as an important branch of history science. The third is that military history is an interdisciplinary discipline of military science and history science. It is not only a part of China’s general history but also a very important part of military science. The fourth is that military history is a history of the occurrence and development of military affairs. The scope of military history covers a wide range of issues, including the history of army building, the history of war, the history of military technology, the academic history of military affairs, the history of military ideology, and so on. Military history is the history of military science in all disciplines.
<正> 在抗美援朝战争的第四次战役中,中国人民志愿军与朝鲜人民军一道,以运动防御战抗击了以美国为首的侵略军的猛烈进攻,英勇奋战87天,大量歼灭敌人,为我军举行第五次战役创
3月24日,美国埃克森川运公司的一艘“瓦尔迪兹”号超级油轮,满载从阿拉斯加输油管灌入的6000万加仑原油 March 24, the United States Exxon Chuan Yun a “Valdez” super