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坚持是什么,每一个人的解答都是不一样的。在汉语词语中解释的是坚是意志坚强,坚韧不拔,持就是持久、有耐性。可以说坚持就是意志力的一种完美表现。但是怎样才能做到坚持呢?无论是想要实现自己的梦想还是生活中的点滴小事,都需要我们去坚持。坚持的过程可能是枯燥无味的,也可能是孤单的不被人所理解的。虽然在努力的过程中我们会因为很多的事而分心,但是我们不能够因为背负巨大的压力就去放弃。不知道别人是如何学会坚持的,但是对于笔者来讲,学会坚持是一件偶然间的事。笔者是从电视上一个双腿残疾的特殊舞者身上学到的坚持,笔者只看到了这位舞者对于舞蹈的热爱与坚持,看到了这位舞者克服重重困难去追求舞蹈。那么作为一个正常人,又有什么理由去谈放弃呢。 What is insisted, everyone’s answer is not the same. In the Chinese words explained that Kennedy is strong-willed, gritty, holding is lasting, patience. It can be said that persistence is a perfect manifestation of willpower. But how can we persevere? Whether we want to realize our own dreams or the little things in life, we need to persist. The process of perseverance may be boring, it may be lonely without being understood. Although we will be distracted by so many things in our efforts, we can not give up because of the tremendous pressure. Do not know how others learn to insist, but for the author, learn to insist is a by accident. The author, who insisted on learning from a special disabled dancer on television, only saw the dancer’s passion for and persistence in dancing and saw the dancer overcame numerous difficulties in pursuit of dance. Well, as a normal person, what is the reason to talk about giving up yet?
闻喜,隶属山西省运城市,古称桐乡,秦时名左邑县,汉武帝刘彻在此欣闻平南越大捷而赐名 “闻喜”.闻喜县历史悠久,名人辈出,古迹非常多,特别是上郭古城遗址、邱家庄墓区等是国
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