肖文飞(以下简称肖):首先,您是学财经的,是一位官员,然后又是一位书法家和诗人,可以说您身兼几种角色。您是如何处理它们之间的关系的? 王家新(以下简称王):我一直想找机会申明一下,我是先写字、写诗,后学财经、进入国家机关工作的。我6岁开始练习书法,搞个展的时候还是个学生。1990年第十一届亚运会,我捐了80幅作品,写得不好但是捐的挺多的。2000年当选中国书协理事,我33岁,是年龄最小的,当时有争议,一位老先生帮我解释说,不能只看年龄,他写字都快30年了,算是“老”书法家了。
Xiao Wenfei (hereinafter referred to as Xiao): First of all, you are learning economics, is an official, then a calligrapher and poet, you can say you have several roles. How do you deal with the relationship between them? Wang Jiaxin (hereinafter referred to as Wang): I always look for an opportunity to affirm that I am the first to write, write poetry, finance and economics, into the work of state organs. I started practicing calligraphy when I was 6 years old and still a student when I got a solo exhibition. In the 11th Asian Games in 1990, I donated 80 works, but did not write well but donated quite a lot. I was 33 years old, the youngest member of the Association of Chinese Shuxiang in 2000. At that time, there was a controversy. An old gentleman explained to me that he can not just look at his age. He wrote almost 30 years as an “old” calligrapher. .