New Technologies of Ceramic Product Design—3D Softwares (Computer Aided Programs) Integrated Into De

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  In the 21st century the use of computers in the field of product design has become inevitable. 3D softwares are being widely used in the three dimensional functional ceramics designs as well as spreading in computer generated creative studio ceramics. While the pioneer industries are concentrating on the professional CAD (computer aided design)/CAM (computer aided manufacturing) manufacturing processes as a new experience of ceramic design and production, pioneer education institutions introduce these new technology systems to their students to become more conscious of the developments in their field of ceramic art education. By this approach students also become aware of new aspects of visual expressions while dealing with the problem of a range of product line from table ware to sanitary wares during the courses. In this study, computer, seen as a new tool for expressing the creativity by interdisciplinary applications, is discussed and explained with examples by means of improving designing skills in a different direction getting away from making centered process while approaching shortened period of virtual modeling.
  Keywords: ceramics, design, computer, CAD (computer aided design), 3D
  Computers have diffused into the design medium all over the world since more than 50 years. Commonly used by designers and design companies these hardware systems are inevitably the most important need of 21st century. Together with, 3D softwares have become the main tools for three dimensional design and production procedures spreading in the computer generated functional ceramics and creative studio ceramics world by means of CAD (computer aided design)/CAM (computer aided manufacturing) applications.
  Description of CAD/CAM/CNC (Computerized Numerical Control)
  CAD which is a term that refers to “Computer Aided Design” is widely used as a concept in the 21st century in the field of product design. It can be defined as use of computer systems to assist in creation, modification, analysis, and optimization of a design.
  CAM is a term that means “Computer Aided Manufacturing” which integrates manufacturing and design in
  the production process. It can be defined as use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control operation of manufacturing plant through computer interface with production resources.
  CNC systems are the new manufacturing production processes in the industry. They are being used widely in the industry of mass production in the last 20 years all over the world as well as in Turkey to reach the contemporary production quality assurance in the industry varying from small scale manufactories to full equipped factories.
  This system controls operation of machines to produce prototypes or moulds for industry. The main function of these are creating commands that would read the points on the computer generated model in the language of the control units of the CNC machines to make production.
  Brief History of CAD/CAM System
  In the 1950s, the computer graphics project called “Automatically Programmed Tools” has been evolved and has developed followingly as the inital of CAM systems. In 1960s, the “Skecth pad” project of a researcher from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has been a start point of such theoretical basis for computer graphics softwares. These interactive computer graphics in the early 1960s can be indicated as the origin of CAD technologies. The development of CAD programs gained an extreme speed in the 1970s in USA, Japan, and Europe, as the capacity of computers started to rise and emerged in the design offices. As the languages of computer programs were developed integration between data bases and these languages has been improved. But still it was very expensive and not as widely used and not as easy to install as today. In the 1980s, the softwares were developing and new modules were being added to the Cad field gradually for converting 2D images to 3D forms with volume, edges and for modeling solid-surface as it was limited before. The pioneer companies were Pro-engineer, Solid works, and Unigraphics. In the 1990s, the connection between Parametric Solid Modeling and 3D CAM began to be established. With increasing speed, the three-dimensional CAD applications were found at almost any level and for any kind of purpose in the industry.
  However, CAD/CAM industry was unstable, because some of the companies which bankrupt or merged, for instance programs like Ideas were merged to Unigraphics. After their merge Ideas disappeared in the market. The word, upgrade was no longer available; the only option for customers was Unigraphics software, to keep the data of previous softwares.
   Current State and Use of CAD/CAM Technology
  In various companies of industrial production some of the softwares in last 10 years have been Autocad, Ideas-UniGraphics, Coral Draw, Solidworks, 3D Max, DeskArte’s, Catia, Rhinoceros, and Alias. Today 3D Modeling is a part of toy, automobile, footwear, container, ceramics, tableware, jewelry, packaging, furniture designs, aircraft engine modeling, and architectural applications, etc.
  While today’s computer and software systems are technically answering problems of the design process to a great extent, it is still in progress of development with the new demands of users and the industry, changing so quickly as fast as computer industry changes, forming the technology base of computer integrated factories and systems of the future.
  Between late 1990s and beginning of 21st century, popularity of personal computers, windows programs, and low cost hardware appeared. Technique was improved in time, so it brought Hybrid Modeling and application to
  variety of materials. Computer Operation System became unified and standardized. PC (personal computers)
  became affordable and powerful enough to be used almost in any kind of three dimensional designing.
  Benefits of Using CAD/CAM & CNC Systems
  Using CAD/CAM & CNC systems in the production process brings together various benefits and advantages in manufacturing: (1) to shorten process of design and production and decrease the number of the mistakes in production (This solves the problem of time and financial consuming); (2) data enrolment and control by making an archive of data base easily (This provides easiness to keep and share data files to transfer one design to number of designers (while modeling); (3) easy management of technology to decrease the number of prototype and analyzes (This decreases the need for engineering staff); and (4) easy to make a standard and control (This provides healthy communication of project group for agreement).
  Working Process of CAD/CAM Systems in the Factories
  The process of product design concerned with ceramics field in the industry requires care of steps to make a well planned production. This process is made up of two work stages: design and production.
  In the design stage the steps can be defined as follows: (1) Problem Identification: to identify the need; (2) Preliminary Ideas: brainstorming; (3) Refinement Process: measurements, interactions of surfaces and planes, dimensions; (4) Analysis of Process: due to criteria of cost, function, marketability; (5) Decision Process: selecting the design which has desirable characters like qualified, quickly manufacturable, available for the customer; and (6) Implementation: making drawings for developing process plans.
  In the production process including the design stage the steps can be formed up with following mediums: (1) definition of the need or request; (2) forming the product concept; (3) design process by CAD; (4) drafting; (5) computer process planning; (6) CAM program; (7) NC (Numeric Control) data; and (8) NC carving of the mould.
  modeling easier which was more complex before. Accordingly at the end of the 20th century after the availability of desktop computers at the university laboratories, useful software’s of the design sector have been installed and it has become one of the most important tools of learning in the design courses accompanied by the designers and 3D modelers from the industry as guest lecturers.
  Since 1999, Department of Ceramics at the author’s faculty at Anadolu University offers ceramic students have been introduced computer aided three dimensional functional ceramic design courses to improve their 3D computer skills.
  The students started such an education model for the first time with ideas Integrated Design Engineering and Analyses Software. Subsequently as the program was merged under roof of Unigraphics NX program, our department upgraded to NX5 in 2007 which was improved with easier menus which bring together: (1) getting reference from older drawings; (2) quick drawing commands like copy, trim, move after drawing curves; (3) easy to examine the results and make parametric changes; (4) easy to change design, texture, and pattern; (5) visualization opportunities by using various textures, surfaces, and environmental images to increase the quality of presentations; and (6) control over the elements of a project.
  Requirements and Aims of “Computer Aided 3D Ceramics Design” Courses
  Unlike shaping clay or plaster, computer aided modeling on the 2D screen 3D modeling is additive process which allows the students to experience possibilities to gain forms by simple solid volumes. However, while taking this course, the students are required to have basic technical drawing knowledge and the skills of model and mould making by means of industrial production to deal with unique ceramic product design problems like the shell thickness, model angles for coming of the mould, and foot height in the aim to perfectly finalize the procedure of model, mould, and firing. Therefore, taking these details into consideration while teaching computer skills, this course is being offered at the 4th year after the students master fundamentals of their profession.
  The aims of this course can be listed as: (1) to present the possibilities of softwares, (2) to encourage the students to be creative via computer while developing new ceramic forms (mostly functional), and (3) to expand Cad possibilities in ceramic design linked with art.
  Content of the Course: Tools for Designing and Implementation Steps
  In the content of this course directly designing or drawing via digital programs cannot be recommended because computer is accepted only as a tool to make a design directly. Hand drawing by pencil as the initial tools of design can be defined as the easiest way to reflect and visualize the design ideas that appear in the mind of a designer after making a research on the concept of the project, such as teapot, tableware, sanitary wares like sink basin, etc.. In this course, computer is seen just as an equipment to express and see what the design would look like at the end of production by means of form, size texture, and volume to make inference from all data and parameters to define the product with dimensions.
  While paper-based designs can only offer suggestive impressions, making Cad drawings would result fully defined with fine details of every point of view. So it is an advantage for the student to experience CAD practices to with useful experiments in the creative process. By this way development of fundamental design skills are also believed to be reinforced (see Figure 1).
  By means of this unique approach design course, constructed on the demand of these processes in ceramics design, besides working on free hand drawings and sketches and being aware of every step of production process, the students experience and get involved with such an education model with 3D softwares, contributing them to strengthen and intensify their design knowledge while practicing theoretical buildup and to be familiar with CAD/CAM concepts which are the inevitable stages of the new century’s basic industrial production system.
  Because primarily functionality and calculation of total costs and potential clients are considered by product development departments at the very first stage of design, these systems must be conducted by specialists who have enough experience of materials and whole process of designing, good knowledge of production process like model-mould forming and finishing procedures. After the CAD/CAM systems entered the ceramic factories, engineers replaced alumni who have industrial and artistic ceramic design education. However, artistic and engineer perspectives must combine to solve the design and production problems together, so graduates of ceramic art departments should take their place in the sector just as it was before. The graduates of this implementation sample would be very adequate in knowledge and experiences of computer aided designs and also will be preferred to be employed as they can easily be integrated due to critics of these departments that work on production stage.
  Getting involved with computer aided design, this would provide our students to become more conscious of new aspects of visual expressions by exploring different equipments for expressing the creativity and to take place in the professional CAD/CAM process in industry after graduation as candidate experts of the field. In this way, they would find different points of view as computer aided design provides useful and experimental experiences in the creative process.
  Contributing to the new education experiences, we believe this is a unique approach in ceramic design education system that encourages the university-industry collaboration in the future.
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