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研究了水分对3个花生品种(鲁花11号、鲁花14号、花育16号)农艺性状及耗水特点的影响,在此基础上对各水分处理的经济效益进行了综合评价。结果表明:花生的荚果产量均随土壤相对含水量的上升呈先升后降的趋势,其中鲁花11号和花育16号在土壤相对含水量70%时荚果产量最大,而鲁花14号的荚果产量在土壤相对含水量60%最大。耗水量与水分生产率呈负相关,鲁花11号的抗旱性最强,鲁花14号次之,花育16号最差。就经济效益而言,鲁花14号在土壤相对含水量为60%时经济效益最佳,而鲁花11号和花育16号均在土壤含水量为70%时最佳,因此鲁花11号和花育16号的高产高效适宜土壤相对含水量为70%,而鲁花14号的为60%左右。 The effects of water on the agronomic characters and water consumption characteristics of three peanut varieties (Luhua 11, Luhua 14 and Huayu 16) were studied. The economic benefits of each treatment were comprehensively evaluated. The results showed that the peanut pod yield both increased first and then decreased with the increase of soil relative water content. Among them, Luhua 11 and Huayu 16 had the highest pod yield when soil relative water content was 70% Of the pod yield in the soil relative water content of 60% maximum. Water consumption and water productivity was negatively correlated, Luhua 11 drought resistance strongest, followed by Lu Hua 14, Huayu 16 worst. In terms of economic benefits, Luhua No.14 had the best economic benefit when soil relative water content was 60%, while Luhua 11 and Huayu 16 were the best when soil moisture content was 70%. Therefore, Luhua 11 Number and Huayu 16 high yield and suitable soil relative water content of 70%, while Luhua 14 is about 60%.
1 发病情况rn2015年7月,某鸡场饲养的2 000只海兰褐蛋鸡,于170日龄发病,出现零星死亡,每天死鸡1~3只,产蛋率略下降.rn2 临床症状rn通过每天巡查鸡舍,共挑出精神沉郁、食欲差的
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