行驶在天高云淡草原间的公路上,正与副驾驶的朋友聊得欢畅,突然“滴”的一声,引起了我们的注意,仔细检查,发现胎压报警灯亮起。急忙在路边停车,下车检查发现,左后轮胎已严重亏气。要不是有上述亲身经历,我可能很难意识到胎压监测系统的重要性,其实在日常行车中,扎胎、爆胎等危险随时都围绕着我们。低速行驶时,如果轮胎发生扎胎或爆胎,最坏的结果仅是毁掉一条轮胎,而在高速行驶时如果不幸发生意外,那将会有车毁人亡的危险。那次意外发生时,我们正以80 km/h的速度行驶在一条封闭的快速路上,如果不是胎压报警灯亮起,可能就会发生意外了。在汽车的高速行驶过程中,轮胎故障是所有驾驶者最为担心
Driving on the road between the sky clouds, prairie is working with the co-pilot friends chatting joyfully, suddenly “drop ” sound, aroused our attention, double-check and found the tire pressure warning lights. Hastily parked on the side of the road, get off the inspection found that the left rear tire has been a serious loss of gas. Without such personal experience, I may find it hard to be aware of the importance of tire pressure monitoring systems. In fact, the dangers of making tires and puncturing tires are always around us. At low speeds, if the tire is punctured or punctured, the worst result is simply the destruction of a single tire, which, if unfortunate enough to happen at high speeds, risks car breakdown. At the time of that accident, we were driving on a closed expressway at a speed of 80 km / h, and an accident could have happened if it was not the tire pressure warning light. In the car’s high-speed process, the tire failure is the most worried about all drivers