Sensitivity and inter-observer variability for capsule endoscopy image analysis in a cohort of novic

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenpeng12333
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AIM:To determine the performance of novice readers(4~(th)year medical students)for detecting capsule endoscopyfindings.METHODS:Ten capsule endoscopy cases of small bowellesions were administered to the readers.Gold standardfindings were pre-defined by gastroenterologists.Tengold standard“targets”were identified among the 10cases.Readers were given a 30-min overview of RapidReader software and instructed to mark any potentialareas of abnormalities.A software program wasdeveloped using SAS to analyze the thumbnailed findings.RESULTS:The overall sensitivity for detecting the goldstandard findings was 80%.As a group,at least 5 outof 10 readers detected each gold standard finding perrecording.All the gold standard targets were identifiedwhen the readers’results were combined.Incidentalfinding/false positive rate ranged between 8.2-59.8 perreader.CONCLUSION:A panel of medical students withminimal endoscopic experience can achieve high sensitivity in detecting lesions on capsule endoscopy.A group of novice readers can pre-screen recordingsto thumbnail potential areas of small bowel lesions forfurther review.These thumbnails must be reviewed todetermine the clinical relevance.Further studies areongoing to assess other cohorts. AIM: To determine the performance of novice readers (4 to (th) year medical students) for detecting capsule endoscopy findings. METHODS: Ten capsule endoscopy cases of small bowelles were administered to the readers. Gold standardfindings were pre-defined by gastroenterologists.Tengold standard “targets ” were identified among the 10cases. Readers were given a 30-min overview of RapidReader software and instructed to mark any potentialareas of abnormalities. A software program wasdeveloped using SAS to analyze the thumbnailed findings .RESULTS: The overall sensitivity for detecting the goldstandard findings was 80% .As a group, at least 5outof 10 readers detected each gold standard finding perrecording.All the gold standard targets were identifiedwhen the readers’results were combined .cidentalfinding / false positive rate ranged between 8.2-59.8 perreader. CONCLUSION: A panel of medical students with minimal endoscopic experience can achieve high sensitivity in detecting lesions on capsule endoscopy. A. group of novice readers can pre-screen recordingsto thumbnail potential areas of small bowel lesions forfurther review.These thumbnails must be reviewed todetermine the clinical relevance.Further studies areongoing to assess other cohorts.
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2014年高考,930多万考生,在这场世界最大规模的考试中,考生紧张地挥笔答题,家长们顶着烈日挥汗守望,公共服务部门几乎全面动员……短短几天的高考,就像炎夏等待已久的一场透雨,融入无数人的人生记忆,也汇入了不舍昼夜的时代洪流。  有国外媒体感叹,“中国正以飞快的速度发生着改变,而高考制度依然像中国人使用筷子那样难以改变”。这样的结论显然有失偏颇。今年高考改革的一些进展,就见证着高考的时代之变。  
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