康有为的尊孔言论一方面不自觉地迎合了袁世凯的帝制复辟的需要 ,另一方面对袁世凯的军阀统治进行了猛烈抨击 ,他自己也并未与袁世凯同流合污 ;相反 ,他却联冯倒袁 ,从而成为倒袁之役的主力之一。联络军阀冯国璋倒袁则又体现了文人的智谋 ,因此从某种程度上说 ,康有为是军阀政治的参与者 (并非拥护者 )。
On the one hand, Kang Youwei cautiously catered to Yuan Shih-kai’s imperialist restoration needs; on the other hand, he violently attacked Yuan Shikai’s warlordism, and he himself did not share the same faction with Yuan Shikai; on the contrary, Which became one of the main forces of the battle of Yuan. Contact with the warlord Feng Guo-zhang, who turned down Yuan once again demonstrated the literati’s resourcefulness, is therefore, to a certain extent, a participant (not a champion) of warlord politics.