A planar capacitive sensor for 2D long-range displacement measurement

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtipdx
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A planar capacitive sensor(PCS) capable of 2D large-scale measurement is presented in this paper.Displacement interpretation depends on independently measuring the periodic variation in capacitance caused by the change in the overlapping area of sensing electrodes on a moving plate and a fixed plate.By accumulating the number of quarters in each direction and the specific position in the final quarter,the large-scale measurement is fulfilled.Displacements in Xand Y-direction can be measured independently and simultaneously.Simulation shows that a shorter gap distance and a longer electrode guarantee better sensitivity.Experiments based on a PCS test bench demonstrate that the PCS has a sensitivity of 0.198 mV/μm and a resolution of 0.308 μm.An electric fringe effect and other possible measurement errors on displacement interpretation accuracy are discussed.The study confirms the high potential of PCSs as innovative 2D long-range displacement sensors. A planar capacitive sensor (PCS) capable of 2D large-scale measurement is presented in this paper. Displacement interpretation depends on measuring accuracy of the periodic variation in capacitance caused by the change in the overlapping area of ​​sensing electrodes on a moving plate and a fixed plate .By accumulating the number of quarters in each direction and the specific position in the final quarter, the large-scale measurement is fulfilled. Displacements in Xand Y-direction can be measured independently and simultaneously. Simulation shows that a shorter gap distance and a longer electrodes guarantee better sensitivity. Experiments on a PCS test bench demonstrate that the PCS has a sensitivity of 0.198 mV / μm and a resolution of 0.308 μm. An electric fringe effect and other possible measurement errors on displacement interpretation accuracy are discussed. The study confirms the high potential of PCSs as innovative 2D long-range displacement sensors.
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1 前言rn在一些战争题材的电影中我们经常可以见到一种背包式的移动电台,通讯兵装备着它行走在战场中,可以随时拨打电话进行呼叫、联络.rn然而,同样是在影片中,也经常会有这