甲 :我小时候看过不少历史演义小说 ,对《说唐全传》中的李元霸这个人物形象很感兴趣。这个形象的最大特点是力气大 ,被列为“大隋天下第一条好汉”。他使一对大锤 ,自称“天下无人能挡我半锤” ;上阵对敌 ,总是一把将敌人抓过来 ,撕成两半 ,真叫厉害。乙 :这个细节其实是不真
A: When I was a child, I read a lot of historical novels, and I am very interested in the image of Li Yuanba in The Story of Tang. The greatest feature of this image is strength, was listed as “the first big hero in the world.” He made a pair of sledgehammers claiming to be “no one in the world can block my half hammer.” In the battle against the enemy, he always grabbed the enemy and torn in half, really powerful. B: This detail is actually not true