
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyzviking
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目前,地膜花生已在冀东地区普及,其经济效益相当喜人。但大部分花生产区地处干旱瘠薄地带,影响了地膜效益的发挥。如在推广花生地膜覆盖的同时,采用分室果播技术,便可取得更好的经济效益。其栽培要点如下: 一、选果、晒果、浸果、分果和捏果。严格选择果仁饱满、质量好的荚果,在播前2—3天晒果,然后用两开一凉(40℃左右)的温水浸泡24小时,保证果壳吸足水,果仁吸水2/3,捞出后将双仁果掰开,再将果嘴捏开,前后室果分开播种。 二、适时借墒早播,确保足墒播种。当5厘米地温稳定在10℃以上时,5天后即可播种,一般比 At present, mulching film has been popularized in eastern Hebei, and its economic benefits are quite satisfactory. However, most flower production areas are located in arid and infertile areas, affecting the effectiveness of plastic mulching. As in the promotion of peanut mulching at the same time, the use of sub-room sowing technology, we can get better economic benefits. The cultivation points are as follows: First, the election results, sun fruit, fruit immersion, fruit and fruit pinch. Strict selection of nuts full, good quality pods, sun dried fruit 2-3 days before sowing, and then use two open a cold (40 ℃ or so) soaked in warm water for 24 hours to ensure that the shell suck enough water, nuts 2 / 3, remove the double kernel fruit after breaking apart, and then pick open the mouth, before and after the studio fruit sowing. Second, timely borrow moisture sowing, to ensure sufficient moisture sowing. When 5 centimeters of geothermal stability at 10 ℃ above, 5 days after planting, the general ratio
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