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南非人民一个多世纪以来,在帝国主义殖民主义者的侵略和统治下,过着饥塞交迫、颠沛流离的悲惨生活;由祖籍荷兰和英国的少数白人霸占着的反动政府,伙同美国大资本家垄断全国的工厂、矿山和企业,猖獗地推行种族歧视和种族隔离政策,占全国人口绝大多数的黑人和其他有色人种的居民,在政治和经济生活中被剥夺了一切权利,包括选举权,居住和行动的自由。随着非洲民族民主解放运动的发展,近年来南非人民不断地展开各种斗争,反抗反动政府的黑暗统治,反抗美、英垄断资本家勾结当地白人资产阶级对黑种人的残酷剥削和奴役。这里介绍的童话《托柯洛什》(1960)便是从1957年发生的黑人抵制公共汽车费涨价和反对“通行证法” 的一次运动中撷取的素材。这次运动虽然遭受到殖民主义者的血腥镇压,但它是燎原的星星之火,照亮了南非人民的视野,使他们看到了殖民统治者不是千秋万世的。作品用现实和幻想相结合的方法,生动地反映了南非被压迫人民对统治者的愤怒和反抗。虽然结尾部分显得不如前部分有力量,但是作者还是指出了这次斗争的失败,同时也正象征着新的斗争的开始。事实上,近两年来,南非人民斗争的烽火也确实已经在整个南非共和国燃烧起来了。关于作者罗纳德·西加尔(Ronald Segal),我们了解的资料不多,只知他是南非共和国作家和政论家,同时主办《非洲南方》杂志。他因反对种族歧视和种族隔离,遭到反动政府的追缉, 被迫于1959年离开了祖国。插图作者是南非漫画家大卫。麦赖。 Over more than a century ago, under the aggression and domination by the imperialist colonialists, the South African people have lived a miserable life of starvation, displacement and displacement. The reactionary government dominated by a few whites born in the Netherlands and Britain together with the big capitalists in the United States Factories, mines and enterprises across the country have rampantly implemented racial discrimination and apartheid policies that make up the vast majority of black and other non-ferrous people in the country’s population and have been deprived of all their rights, including the right to vote and residence, in political and economic life And freedom of movement. In recent years, with the development of the national democratic liberation movement in Africa, the people of South Africa have continuously engaged in various struggles in recent years to resist the dark rule of the reactionary government and resist the cruel exploitation and slavery of black people by the white bourgeoisie who monopolize the capital by the U.S. and Britain. The fairy tale Toccolos (1960), introduced here, was taken from a 1957 black-boycott of bus fares and a campaign against the “pass law.” Although this campaign was subjected to bloody suppression by colonialists, it was a spark of prairie fire that brightened the vision of the South African people so that they could see that the colonial rulers did not last a long time. The work combines reality with fantasy to vividly reflect the anger and resistance of the oppressed peoples of South Africa to rulers. Although the ending does not seem as powerful as the previous part, the author points out the failure of this struggle and at the same time, it is just the beginning of a new struggle. In fact, in the past two years, the flames of the people’s struggle in South Africa have indeed burned up in the entire Republic of South Africa. About the author Ronald Segal, we know very little about what we know about him as a writer and political commentator for the Republic of South Africa, and we host Southern Africa Magazine. He was opposed by the reactionary government for his opposition to racial discrimination and apartheid and was forced to leave the motherland in 1959. Illustrated by South African cartoonist David. Mai Lai.
行车途中我犯起困来。于是把车驶到路边的树下。蜷缩在后车座上,睡去。睡了多久?几小时。黑暗已经降临。’ 我骤然醒来,不再认识我自己。虽十分清醒,但无济于事。 I’m in t
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