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当中國數学会常务理事会决議:本年度將開始重點試办數学競賽会的時候,我感觉到無此兴奋,我为全國青少年慶幸,是的!对我說來这是一件期待很久的數学界应当举行的一件大事了,它使我回憶到一九四六年的春天,在莫斯科所見到的動人的一幕。那是四月上旬,春气还没有光顧莫斯科,雪花仍然在飄着,我在莫斯科大学的教室裹听了十分動人的一課。上面演講的是白髮蒼蒼、紅光滿面的老教授——亞離克山得洛夫先生(那時他是苏联教育科学院院士、全苏科学院通訊院士,去年他被选为全苏科学院院士),下面听講的却是十幾歲的少年兒童們,不但座位上挤滿了人,而且走道中也站滿了人,窗台上也坐滿了人。在少年羣裹也有多位白髮老教師點綴其間。演講的內容是:「複虛數」。老院士講得那麼深入浅出,少年兒童們听得那麼津津有味,都給我留下了到今天仍然記憶猶新的印像。我敬佩,我敬佩老院士能够为科学的普及服务、我羡慕,我羡慕 When the Chinese Mathematical Society Standing Council resolution: This year will start the focus of the trial of mathematics competition, I feel no such excitement, I am fortunate for the National Youth, Yes! To me, this is a long-awaited A major event to be held in mathematics, it reminded me of the touching scene that I saw in Moscow in the spring of 1946. It was in early April, Spring had not visited Moscow, the snow was still floating, and I was listening to a very moving lesson at the Moscow University classroom. The speech above was a pale, red-faced old professor - Mr. Akhtarov, who was then a member of the Soviet Academy of Education and a member of the Communications Academy of the All-China Academy of Sciences and last year he was elected a member of the All-China Academy of Sciences. The children and teenagers who listened to were not only packed with people in their seats, but also filled with people in the walkways and full of people on windowsill. In the juvenile group also wrapped a number of white-haired old teachers embellished the meantime. The speech is: “Complex imaginary number.” The old academics put it so easy to understand, children are so relish hearings, gave me left the impression still fresh today. I admire, I admire the old Academy of Sciences for the popularization of science services, I envy, I envy
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