刘志刚、张国荣同志都是我们辽宁人。为了农村用上电、用好电不幸以身殉职。他们的英雄事迹已传遍辽沈大地,现在学习他们的活动已经掀起热潮。从《农村电工》第一期上看到《血撼长空》的文章,更加激起我们对他们的怀念,他们为人民利益而死比泰山还重。 农村电工是农电第一线的一支生力军。为了给农村输送光明和力量,为了广大农村安全用电做出了巨大贡献。做为这个队伍中一员的刘志刚、张国荣同志忠于职守,用汗水、用生命谱写出农电事业的乐章,为农村电工做出了榜样。刘志刚,张国荣同志都是在查处窃电中被歹徒杀害,他们为了人民的利益毅然舍生忘死,他们死的太可惜了。我们忘不了死
Liu Zhigang, Leslie Cheung are our Liaoning people. In order to use electricity in rural areas, it is unfortunate to die with good luck. Their heroic deeds have spread throughout the vast Liaoning Province, and now their activities have been set off a craze. From the first issue of “Rural Electrician,” we can see that the article titled “Blood Is Empty and Empty,” more arouses our memory of them. They died in the interests of the people even more than Mount Tai. Rural electrician is a new force in the front line of rural power. In order to transport the light and strength to the countryside, it has made a tremendous contribution to the safety of vast rural areas. As a member of this team, Liu Zhigang and Leslie Cheung devoted themselves to their duties, using sweat and life to compose the movement of rural power and set an example for rural electricians. Comrades Liu Zhigang and Leslie Cheung are both killed by gangsters while investigating and dealing with electricity theft. They sacrificed their lives for the sake of the people for their sacrifices, and they died so badly. We can not forget death