Male patient, 43 years old. Repeated pain in the abdomen for six months. Ultrasonography: left lobe of the left hepatic vein can be seen around the left sagittal sac was a cystic dilatation of the lumen, see a number of round slightly hyperechoic mass, of which a size of about 2.1cm × 1.4cm, which did not See obvious blood flow information. The lumen seems to be closely related to the left intrahepatic bile duct, but there is no expansion around the bile duct. Ultrasound Tip: Left hepatic lobe portal sagittal sac space occupancy, consider (1) intrahepatic bile duct dilatation with multiple real space-occupying; (2) the left hepatic lobe solid occupying place (Figure 1-2 ). CT scan: mild intrahepatic bile duct dilatation, hepatic left hepatic lobe near the door to see the class of circular density to reduce the shadow, and expansion