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2012中国国际钨钼钒发展论坛于11月12日在中国长沙万达文华酒店隆重召开。本次论坛由中国有色金属工业协会主办,北京安泰科信息开发有限公司和美国三湘金属公司共同承办,金堆城钼业股份有限公司、洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司、中铝国际贸易有限公司协办,来自国内外钨钼钒产业界和相关媒体近300名代表参加了论坛。金钼股份副总经理马全智代表公司以及会议协办方在论坛上做了致辞。马全智副总在致辞中首先代表公司向出席本届论坛的国内外来宾和长期以来关心、帮助、支持金钼股份发展的各位朋友表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。马全智副总指出本次论坛不仅是国内外众多钨钼钒生产商、贸易商和消费商汇聚一堂,共同交流、共渡时艰的难得平台,更是行业发展日益紧密、求同存异不断壮大的缩影。当前面对风云变幻的国际国内形势和震荡起伏的市场行情,公司在致力于自身发展的 2012 China International Forum on Tungsten Molybdenum and Vanadium Development was held on November 12 at the Wanda Hotel Changsha, China. This forum is sponsored by China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, Beijing Antaike Information Development Co., Ltd. and the United States Sanxiang Metal co-host, Jinduicheng Molybdenum Co., Ltd., Luoyang Luanchuan Molybdenum Group Co., Ltd., Chinalco International Trade Co., Ltd., nearly 300 representatives from domestic and international tungsten, molybdenum and vanadium industries and related media participated in the forum. Ma Quanguo, vice president of Gold Molybdenum Co., Ltd., delivered a speech on the forum on behalf of the company and the conference co-organizers. In his speech, Vice President Ma Quizhi, on behalf of the Company, first extended a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the domestic and foreign guests attending this forum and all the friends who have long been concerned, helped and supported the development of the gold and molybdenum shares. Vice President Ma Quanzhi pointed out that this forum is not only a rare platform where many domestic and foreign tungsten, tungsten and molybdenum producers, traders and consumers gather to jointly exchange and overcome the difficult times, but also a microcosm of the increasingly close development of the industry and seeking common ground while reserving differences. The current face of changing international and domestic situation and volatile market conditions, the company is committed to its own development
[摘要] 马克思、恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中对早期资本主义的现代性及其后果进行了分析。其现代性维度对于我们审视当代世界包括资本主义社会和当代中国的发展都有很大启示和价值。  [关键词] 《共产党宣言》; 资本主义; 现代性; 当代价值  [中图分类号] A122/4801 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]1007-1962(2008)07-0015-02    160年前发表的《共产党宣言》(以下简
建筑设计基础课程中基本表现技法方面的教学内容需要大量课堂演示 ,我们利用录像辅助教学 ,取得了较好的效果 The teaching content of the fundamental performance techni
框架——抗震墙的计算具有多种方法 ,如微分方程法 ,简化成壁式框架法 ,力法等。本文把框架和抗震墙的质量均在楼板高度处集中 ,框架和抗震墙分别成为多质点的“串珠”,然后