刘铁夫是清华大学经营学院国际金融与财务专业1991年的学生,自打从山东农村跨入首都北京这所著名的学府那天起,他就暗下决心,要活出个样子给家乡父老看看,要让父母家人享自己的福。 在清华五年的生活里,他不像他的许多同学那样徜徉于商场情场娱乐场,他扎扎实实地学习了一门又一门课,认认真真地阅读着一本又一本书。他相信,天道酬勤。 快毕业了,和许多同学一样,他开始找工作。这时,他发现要人单位并不是仅仅问他学了几门课读了几本书,还
Liu Tiefu is a student of Tsinghua University’s School of Management in International Finance and Finance in 1991, and from the day he entered the famous university in the capital city of Beijing, he decided to live under the influence of his father, Parents and family enjoy their blessings. In Tsinghua’s five-year life, unlike many of his classmates, he did not wander into the casino. He learned a series of lessons after class and read one book after another. He believes that God is rewarding. Graduated soon, and many students, he started looking for a job. At this moment, he found that the magnate did not just ask him how many courses he had read, but also