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一个早年江南的女儿梦,带点民俗和梦幻的气息。——这是大型舞剧《十里红妆·女儿梦》的片头定位。舞剧讲述了发生在江南古镇两户殷实人家孩子唯美动人的爱情故事,一个美丽的梦。本片头获得了2009年金帆奖一等奖。这次收获不仅是一个奖项,也有我对片头的全新的体验和感悟。笔者认为一个好的片头必须是一个完整的片头。这里的完整不仅指30秒的画面配上30秒相同长度的音乐,所指的完整是包括四个层面:①内容完整②形式完整③情绪完整④收视完整。现在制作的片头各有特色,但是 An early Jiangnan daughter dream, a little folk and fantastic atmosphere. - This is a large-scale ballet “Ten Years Red Makeup, daughter dream,” the title of the film. The ballet tells the story of the beautiful and moving love story of two well-to-do families in the ancient town of Jiangnan, a beautiful dream. The film won the 2009 Golden Sail prize first prize. This harvest is not only an award, but also my new experience and insight into the title. I think a good piece must be a complete piece. The complete here not only refers to 30 seconds of the picture accompanied by 30 seconds of the same length of music, refers to the complete includes four levels: ① complete content ② complete form ③ emotional integrity ④ viewing integrity. Now produced titles have their own characteristics, however
在专用肥加工中,选用一些对作物有较大促进作用的元素肥料,即作物喜好的元素,使作物能获得较大的增产,从而提高了专用肥的施用效果。 In the special fertilizer processing
介绍水处理系统采用浅除盐水工艺的必要性和改造方法;运行情况和效益分析。 Describes the necessity and reforming methods of shallow desalination water treatment sys