1 characteristics and characteristics of varieties Xinluzao42 growth period of 127d, is a precocious land cotton. Plant cylindrical, Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ fruiting branches, plant type more compact. Plant height 76cm, thick stems, growing strong. Larger leaves, dark green leaf color, deep cleft, bell oval, bell ring strong, good plant ventilation and translucency, more suitable for close planting, suitable for mechanical picking. Single boll bell early, focus, fruit section 5.1, fruiting branches 7 to 9 units. Cotton bolls oval, medium size, single boll weight 4.9g, clothing points 38.7%, bolting flocculation Chang, easy to pick up. Frost before the flower rate of 90%, white color. Fusarium wilt resistance, high resistance to Verticillium wilt, good yield. Xin Lu Zao 42 fiber quality determination results: 2.5% span 29.6cm, specific strength 23.7cN / tex, micronaire value 4.2, the fiber quality indicators are