
来源 :广西政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xujc8639
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随着我国高等教育事业的发展 ,高校与学生基于教育与受教育活动而产生的各种纠纷 (以下称教育纠纷 )也出现多样化和复杂化的特点。如何从总体上建立一个各种救济途径配置得当的救济体制以解决这些不同性质的纠纷是一个复杂的问题。文章从现实出发创造性地尝试建立一种新的教育纠纷解决途径——教育仲裁 ,由三方 (学生、学校、国家教育行政主管部门 )专家代表组成仲裁委员会。根据争议的不同性质和特点把部分教育纠纷纳入教育仲裁 ,并赋予学生救济途径的选择权。这种纠纷解决方式的特点是在保证高校对教学活动进行依法独立管理的前提下 ,既能保护学生的合法权益 ,又能发挥国家教育主管部门的监督管理与指导权能 ,具有效益性、公平性和可操作性 With the development of higher education in our country, various disputes (hereinafter referred to as educational disputes) between colleges and students based on education and educational activities also appear diversified and complicated. How to set up a relief system in general and a well-configured relief system to resolve these disputes of different nature is a complex issue. From the reality, the article creatively attempts to establish a new approach to education dispute resolution - education arbitration. The tripartite (student, school, state education administrative department) expert representatives form an arbitration committee. According to the different nature and characteristics of disputes, some educational disputes are included in educational arbitration and students are given the right to choose ways of relief. The characteristic of this kind of dispute resolution method is to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of students while ensuring the independent management of teaching activities in colleges and universities, and to give full play to the supervisory, management and guidance powers of the competent departments of education in the country. It is of benefit and fairness And maneuverability
提高政治课堂教学效率是搞好政治教学的关键。在教学中我们从课堂教学及管理者手,努力提高政治课堂教学效率。对此问题本文作者提出了自己的做法。 Improving the Teaching
目的探讨白术内酯I对人胃癌MGC-803细胞增殖的抑制作用及其机制。方法 MTT实验和集落形成实验检测白术内酯I对MGC-803细胞增殖的抑制作用;Western印迹检测白术内酯I对人胃癌M