广东LED产业领跑全国 发展前景将更加广阔

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由广东省半导体照明产业联合创新中心编制的《2013年2季度广东省LED产业运行监测报告》日前正式发布。报告显示,2013年上半年,广东省LED产业总产值为1251.68亿元,同比增长27.73%,连续4年增长率超20%。照明灯具带动LED产业增长报告显示,2013年上半年,广东省LED产业总产值1251.68亿元,同比增长27.73%。其中,作为广东LED产业传统优势领域的照明灯具、背光源、封装元器件分别同比增长55.96%、46.63%和37.14%,成为上半年广东LED产业规模平稳扩大的关键带动领域。在产业规模平稳扩大的同时,产业效益稳步提升。初步核算,2013年上半 Guangdong Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry by the Joint Innovation Center for the preparation of the “second quarter of 2013 LED industry in Guangdong Province Monitoring Report” was officially released. The report shows that in the first half of 2013, Guangdong Province LED industry output value of 125.168 billion yuan, an increase of 27.73%, 4 consecutive years of growth over 20%. LED lighting industry led the growth report shows that in the first half of 2013, Guangdong Province, LED industry output 125.168 billion yuan, an increase of 27.73%. Among them, as the traditional advantages of Guangdong LED industry, lighting fixtures, backlights and packaged components increased by 55.96%, 46.63% and 37.14% respectively over the same period last year, becoming the key driving force for the steady expansion of Guangdong LED industry in the first half of the year. While the industrial scale expanded steadily, the industrial efficiency improved steadily. Initial accounting, first half of 2013