引用并改编自Society of Petroleum Engineers,SPE索引号:136694-PP近年来,油气、炼油行业爆炸事故屡有发生,导致了巨大的人身、财产损失和环境危害。BP的两次重大事故——2005年德州炼油厂爆炸事故、2010年墨西哥湾深水平台漏油和爆炸事故都与危险环境下柴油机飞车相关。部分油气、石化企业,特别是处理可燃性气体和粉尘的工厂,应该系统地审查,避免可燃物质释放到大气中而造成危害。认识危害柴油机在油气生产、炼化行业部有着广泛的应用。在这些行业中,由于可
Reference and adaptation from Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Index number: 136694-PP In recent years, oil and gas, oil refining industry, accidents have occurred repeatedly, resulting in huge personal and property losses and environmental hazards. Two major BP accidents - the Texas refinery explosion in 2005 and the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Gulf oil spill and explosion were all associated with diesel-powered vehicles in hazardous environments. Some oil and gas, petrochemical enterprises, especially those dealing with flammable gases and dust, should be scrutinized systematically to avoid the release of flammable substances into the atmosphere and to cause harm. Recognize the dangers of diesel engine in the oil and gas production, refining industry has a wide range of applications. In these industries, because of it