气质这个概念最早是古希腊医生希波克拉底提出的。他认为人体内有四种体液,即血液、粘液,黄胆汁和黑胆汁。这种体液在人体内的不同比例,便形成了人的四种气质类型:多血质、胆汁质、粘液质、抑郁质。巴甫洛夫的高级神经活动类型学说告诉我们,人的高级神经活动的兴奋过程与抑制过程在强度、平衡性、灵活性三个方面具有不同特点,这些特点的不同结合就构成了四种基本神经类型:活泼型(相当于多血质),安静型(相当于粘液质),不可抑制型(相当于胆汁质),弱型(相当于抑郁质)。 为了说明四种气质类型的区别,国外曾作过试
The concept of temperament was first proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. He thinks there are four kinds of bodily fluids in the body, namely blood, mucus, yellow bile and black bile. This body fluid in different proportions of human body, they formed the four types of temperament: blood, bile quality, mucus quality, depression quality. Pavlov’s theory of advanced neuro-activity types tells us that the process of excitement and suppression of advanced neuronal activity in humans has different characteristics in strength, balance and flexibility. The different combinations of these characteristics form the four basic Nerve type: active type (equivalent to blood), quiet type (equivalent to mucus), non-inhibitory type (equivalent to bile quality), weak type (equivalent to depression). To illustrate the difference between the four types of temperament, foreign countries have tried