Rotating test rod method was used to determine the loss rate of magnesium dolomite refractory in the initial and final slag of common converter. The experimental results show that although the initial slag erosion temperature is lower than the final slag test temperature 100 ℃, the initial slag on the magnesium dolomite erosion rate is still 8.5 times the final erosion rate of slag; initial slag magnesium dolomite erosion rate With the increase of slag basicity, the corrosion rate decreases rapidly. The change of slag basicity has no significant effect on the erosion rate. With the increase of final slag temperature, the erosion rate rapidly increases, reaching 14 times as much as 1600 ℃ at 1700 ℃ . In this paper, thermodynamic analysis is conducted to discuss the erosion mechanisms of magnesium and dolomite in the initial and final slag of converter.