深化改革重组 强化管理提升全力推进中国铁物转型发展取得新突破

来源 :铁路采购与物流 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Spring_Song
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1关于2013年以来的工作1.1铁路综合服务注重夯基固本、做专做强1.1.1继续维护了大宗铁路物资供应体系的稳定。全年油品供应、钢轨供应、机车车辆配件代理招标、部管物资服务项目正常稳定,并为全路节省了大量成本。1.1.2专业化服务能力明显增强。铁路燃油配送系统获得科技部专项科研支持;包钢中铁在12家焊轨厂中综合实力排名跻身前三;技术公司获批高新技术企业,轮轨保护技术推广打磨,铁福公司京沪项目打磨进展顺利,通过评审、获得赞誉,正主导高速打磨标准制 1 Work since 2013 1.1 The comprehensive railway service focuses on ramifications and reinforces the strengths and weaknesses of the railroad. 1.1.1 The maintenance of the stability of the railroad material supply system has continued. Annual supply of oil, rail supply, rolling stock accessories tender agent, the Department of materials management services normal and stable, and save a lot of costs for the whole road. 1.1.2 Specialized service ability is obviously enhanced. Railway fuel distribution system access to the Ministry of Science and the special scientific research support; Baotou Iron and Steel in 12 welding track plant in the overall strength ranked among the top three; technology companies approved high-tech enterprises, wheel and rail protection technology to promote grinding, iron and steel company Beijing-Shanghai project grinding Smooth progress, through the review, access to praise, is leading the standard high-speed grinding