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目的:观察综合干预方法对慢性肾病患者睡眠质量的影响。方法:将114例慢性肾病患者分试验组(n=64)和对照组(n=50)。两组患者按慢性肾病治疗方案,进行中医药辨证分型治疗,试验组加施包括按摩导引干预、认知干预、行为干预的综合干预治疗。两组治疗前、后同时进行PSQI、SF-36评定。结果:两组治疗前后的PSQI各因子和总分及SF-36评分比较均有显著差异,试验组与对照组治疗前后PSQI各因子和总分及SF-36评分差值间的比较,有非常显著性差异。结论:综合干预法能明显改善慢性肾病患者睡眠质量。 Objective: To observe the effect of comprehensive intervention on sleep quality in patients with chronic kidney disease. Methods: One hundred and fourteen patients with chronic kidney disease were divided into experimental group (n = 64) and control group (n = 50). Two groups of patients according to the treatment of chronic kidney disease, Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation therapy, experimental group, including massage guide intervention, cognitive intervention, behavioral intervention comprehensive intervention. The two groups before and after treatment PSQI, SF-36 assessment. Results: There were significant differences in the scores of PSQI, SFQ-36 and SFQ-36 scores before and after treatment in both groups. There was significant difference between the PSQI scores and SF-36 scores before and after treatment in both groups Significant difference. Conclusion: Comprehensive intervention can significantly improve the quality of sleep in patients with chronic kidney disease.
今年春节,我独在异乡为异客,格外思念家人。说到过节,说到家人,就不能不说说他们喝酒的事儿。我家是满人,世代生活在关外,性格粗犷豪爽,家里的男男女女没有不喝酒的。每到过节,大家聚在一起,上至年过七旬的长者,下至7岁的娃娃都会畅饮一番。  我9岁那年的元宵节,晚上家宴,说好了吃过饭全家一起去看花灯。大哥喝了白酒意犹未尽,还在继续喝啤酒,我怕耽误了看灯就去催他,大哥和我说,要是着急,就替他喝一杯。结果我
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