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第一届全国话剧会演已决定于3月1日起在北京举行.参加会演的剧目,除了一部分大家已经熟悉的,流行全国的优秀剧作以外,还有不少是新创作的剧本,本文就我所看到的一批剧目,选择几个略作介绍.由于我看到的都不是剧本的定稿,它们还在排演过程中不断修改,因此文中涉及的某些问题,可能在演出时已经改好,这是意料中的事,也是我对演出的期望.“处处是春天”这是由王燕飞作剧,河北省话剧团演出的反映农业题材的新剧目.剧本通过华老方、华春来父子两代的悲惨遭遇和斗争历程,写出劳动农民的英雄气质,作者歌颂了党如何领导农民成为历史的真正的主人.作者选择的故事题材是富有动人的传奇性的.18年前 The first National Drama Conference has been decided to be held in Beijing starting March 1. Participating performances will include a number of newly created scripts in addition to some of the best-known dramas popular throughout the country. I saw a number of repertoire, select a few a little introduction.Because I do not see the script is finalized, they are still rehearsing the process of continuous modification, so some of the issues involved in the text may have been changed during the performance Well, this is an expected event, and my expectation of the performance. “Spring is everywhere” This is a new repertoire of agricultural themes by Wang Yanfei and the Repertory Theater of Hebei Province. The tragic experience and struggles of the spring and the father and son and the generation of the heroic temperament of the working peasantry, the author praised the party how to lead the peasants to become the true masters of history, the story of the author’s choice of the story is a moving legends 18 years ago
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一、抓住机遇,发展快速货运 1988年,中国大陆第一条高速公路建成通车。10年来,我国高速公路建设日新月异,截止1998年底,我国高速公路总里程达8733公里,二级以上汽车专用道达
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朝鲜民主主义人民共和国艺术团在团长、朝鲜教育文化省艺术局局长赵灵出率領下,于十一月十九日来我国訪問演出。艺术团由共和国功勛演員、舞蹈家安聖姬,共和国功 The Democ