契丹属于鲜卑的一支,最早见于北齐魏收的《魏书》。北魏时期,潢水以南地区的鲜卑一支“自号契丹”,此后, 自成一部,独立发展。916年,耶律阿保机正式称帝,建立了以契丹贵族为核心的政权,国号契丹,建元神册,阿保机称天皇王,大同元年(947年)改国号为辽,此后国号又有变更,辽道宗咸雍二年(1066年)又复国号大辽。
Khitan belongs to a Xianbei, first seen in the Northern Qi Wei received “Wei book.” During the Northern Wei Dynasty, Xianbei, a region south of the Huangshui River, was “self-styled Khitan,” and since then became a self-developed independent development. In 916, Yelv-Baasheng formally proclaimed the emperor and established the regime with the Khitan nobility as its core. The country’s national flag Khitan and the Jianyuan God’s Book, the Astronomical King said that in the first year of Datong (947), the country changed its name to Liao. Thereafter, No. has changed, Liao Dao Zong Xian Yong two years (1066) and the national number Da Liao.