一个困扰企业多年且又不得不解决的、严重影响企业竞争力的问题 ,那就是国有企业效益流失。根据中国国有资产管理局的统计资料、抽样调查和典型案例进行初步分析 ,从 1982年到 1992年 ,国有资产流失总额高达 5 0 0 0多亿元。这个数字大约相当于 1992年全国国有资产总量 2 6 0 0
A problem that has plagued enterprises for many years and has had to be solved has seriously affected the competitiveness of enterprises. That is the loss of the benefits of state-owned enterprises. According to the statistics, sample surveys and typical cases of China State-owned Assets Administration Bureau, a preliminary analysis was conducted. From 1982 to 1992, the total loss of state-owned assets was as high as 500 billion yuan. This figure is roughly equivalent to the total national state-owned assets of 260 in 1992.