目的 引进青少年生活质量评定的工具并就不同社会文化背景下青少年生活质量的异同加以比较。方法 编制了70个条目的青少年生活质量问卷并分别在日本和中国进行测试。年龄在12-15岁的1114名日本初中生和613名中国初中生完成了调查问卷。结果 中国学生在生活质量总分和多数维度分高于日本学生,差异显著;从维度看,两组均为独立水平维度均分最高,心理健康维度最低;总分上,中国男生最高,依次为中国女生、日本男生、日本女生;日本组可见生活质量得分随年龄递减趋势。结论经济发展水平与个体生活质量并不呈平行关系,促进心理健康是提高青少年整个生活质量的优先工作。
Objective To introduce a tool for assessing the quality of life of adolescents and to compare the similarities and differences in the quality of life of adolescents in different socio-cultural backgrounds. Methods 70 items of adolescent quality of life questionnaire were prepared and tested in Japan and China respectively. A survey of 1114 Japanese junior high school students and 613 junior high school students aged 12-15 years completed the questionnaire. Results Chinese students showed higher scores on total quality of life and majority scores than Japanese students. In terms of dimension, both groups were the highest in independent dimensions and the lowest in mental health. The total scores were highest in boys Chinese girls, Japanese boys, Japanese girls; Japanese group shows the quality of life score decreasing trend with age. Conclusion The level of economic development is not parallel to the quality of life of individuals. Promoting mental health is a priority for improving the quality of life of adolescents.