1 国际状况当今结核病在世界很多地区发病率剧增而且威胁世界人口中的相当大一部分人的生命 ,结核病作为单一的传染病已经成为传染病中的第一号杀手和最大的死亡原因。为此 ,世界卫生组织 (WHO)在 1993年宣布“全球结核病处于紧急状态” ,把结核病列为重点控制的传染病之一
1 The international situation Tuberculosis today has a dramatic increase in the incidence of many parts of the world and threatens the lives of a significant proportion of the world’s population. Tuberculosis as a single contagious disease has become the number one killer and the leading cause of death in infectious diseases. To this end, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced in 1993 that “the global tuberculosis is in a state of emergency” and that tuberculosis is one of the key infectious diseases under control