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不同类型小麦干物质积累动态呈“S”型曲线。中粒型品种干物质积累量低于小粒型和大粒型品种。中粒型和大粒型品种叶片干物质积累峰值在抽穗期 ,茎鞘干物质积累峰值在灌浆期 ;小粒型品种叶和茎鞘的干物质积累峰值均出现在灌浆期。不同类型品种叶片干物质的转运率和移动率表现为 :大粒型 >小粒型 >中粒型 ;茎鞘物质转运率和移动率表现为 :中粒型 >大粒型 >小粒型 ;子粒重量来源于开花前养分积累的比例表现为 :大粒型 >中粒型>小粒型。大粒型品种在干物质积累和转运方面有明显的优势。小粒型品种限制产量的主要因素是茎鞘物质输出量较少 ,大量光合产物滞留在茎鞘中。灌浆至成熟期的CGR与产量的相关达显著水平。 The dynamic changes of dry matter accumulation of different types of wheat showed “S” curve. Medium grain varieties had lower dry matter accumulation than small grains and large grains. The peak value of dry matter accumulation in leaves of mid-grain type and large grain-type cultivars was at the heading stage and the dry matter accumulation peak of stem-sheath was at the filling stage. The dry matter accumulation peak of the leaves and stem-sheaths of the small grain-type cultivars all appeared in the filling stage. The leaf dry matter translocation rate and translocation rate of different types of cultivars were as follows: large grain type> small grain type> medium grain type; the translocation rate and mobility of stems and sheaths were as follows: medium grain size> large grain size> small grain size; The percentage of nutrient accumulation before flowering is as follows: large grain type> medium grain type> small grain type. Large grain varieties have obvious advantages in dry matter accumulation and translocation. The main factor restricting the yield of small-sized varieties is that the output of stem-sheath materials is small, and a large amount of photosynthetic products remain in the stem-sheath. The correlation between grain-filling and maturity CGR and yield reached a significant level.
基础日粮中分别添加3 mg·kg-1(Da 1组)和5 mg·kg-1(Da 2组)大豆黄酮饲喂产蛋后期绍兴鸭.结果表明,Da 1组的产蛋率提高11.57%(P<0.01),Da 2组产蛋率提高13.33%(P<0.01);两组平
利用小叶碟添加法和饲料混药法测定了砂地柏的甲醇提取物对粘虫和玉米象的取食反应和种群繁殖率 .结果表明 ,粘虫对砂地柏甲醇提取物表现出强烈的拒食行为 .各处理的总校正死
目的分析不同幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)培养滤液对胃上皮细胞端粒酶活性的影响.方法分别以来自胃癌患者和来自慢性浅表性胃炎患者的cagA+ vacA s1a/m2和来自慢性浅表性胃炎患者的
水稻喷施稀土 ,可提高分蘖成穗率 ,达 1.0 3%~ 7.5 0 % ;增加千粒重 ,达 1.0 %~ 1.6% ;增加实粒 3.7~ 5 .6粒 /穗 ,达 3.79%~ 5 .73% ;产量增产 2 .5 3%~ 4 .0 7% ,增产效果以处理
试验结果表明 :杂交中稻在 6~ 7叶期大苗单本移栽 ,苗质显著地影响结实期群体源、库及稻谷产量。结实期群体干物质增长量、总颖花量和稻谷产量与秧苗单株分蘖数、苗高干重比呈
利用UPGMA法对 199个陕西省白菜型油菜品种的 15个性状进行形态标记聚类分析 ,并将淘汰后保留的 2 9个品种作RAPD标记分析和聚类分析。通过比较RAPD标记和形态标记差异 ,以 2
利用 (黑香糯×无色香粳 )F2 或 (黑香粳×无色香糯 )F2 均呈现粳与糯、黑色与无色两对性状 ,按独立分配规律分离的现象。表现型为黑香粳、黑香糯、无色香粳和无色香糯等四个