Infomarker—A New Internet InformationService System

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kernel_gdi_user
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As the web grows, the massive increase in information is placing severe burdens on information retrieval and sharing. Automated search engines and directories with small editorial staff are unable to keep up with the increasing submission of web sites. To address the problem, this paper presents Infomarker an Internet information service system based on open Directory and Zero-Keywond Inquiry. The oPen Directory sets up a net-community in which the increasing netcitizens can each organize a small portion of the web and present it to the others. By means of Zero-Keywond Inquiry, user can get the information he is interested in without inputting any keyword that is often required by search engines. In Infomarker,user can record the web address he likes and can put forward an information request based on his web records. The information matching engine checks the information in the open Directory to find what fits user’s needs and adds it to user’s web address records. The key to the matching process is layered keywoof mapping. Infomarker provides people with a whole new approach to getting information and shows a wide prospect. As the web grows, the massive increase in information is placing severe burdens on information retrieval and sharing. Automated search engines and directories with small editorial staff are unable to keep up with the increasing submission of web sites. To address the problem, this paper presents Infomarker an Internet information service system based on open Directory and Zero-Keywond Inquiry. The oPen Directory sets up a net-community in which the increasing netcitizens can each organize a small portion of the web and present it to the others. By means of Zero -Keywond Inquiry, user can get the information he is interested in without inputting any keyword that is often required by by search engines. In Infomarker, user can record the web address he likes and can forward a information request based on his web records. The information matching engine checks the information in the open Directory to find what fits user’s needs and adds it to user’s web address records. The key to the matc hing process is layered keywoof mapping. Infomarker provides people with a whole new approach to getting information and shows a wide prospect.
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