运费大增 美伊战争已经打响,航运公司的心头更加阴霾重重。 战争阴影带来的直接影响便是航运公司成本陡增,运费大涨已不可避免。而航运公司一向自称微利甚至亏损,故而增加出来的成本中,将有相当部分转嫁给货主。 航运公司的燃油成本和船舶保险费用增加最为明显,自去年11月海湾局势紧张之后,航运公司就没有停止过抱怨。
Increasing freight costs The U.S.-Iraq war has already started. Shipping companies are even more hazy in their hearts. The direct impact of the shadow of war is the cost of shipping companies increased sharply, shipping costs have risen inevitably. Shipping companies have always claimed to be profiteering or even losing money. Therefore, a considerable part of the cost added will be passed on to the owner. Shipping companies have seen the most significant increase in fuel costs and ship insurance costs, with shipping companies not stopping complaining since last November’s tense Gulf situation.