巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)属热带雨林植物,原产于南美州巴西亚马逊河流域,后经东迁北移,在我国北部垦区栽培常遇寒害.为解决寒害问题,曾采取多种措施,并把抗寒选育种工作列为关键措施之一,过去多进行种内杂交,后代抗寒水平虽有提高,但幅度不大.为选育具有高度抗寒力的橡胶新品系,1977年我们除了继续开展橡胶与石栗(Aleu-rites moluccana Willd)杂交研究外,还首次开展橡胶与木油桐(Aleurites montana)杂交.以上属间远缘人工有性杂交,都已长出幼苗.共授粉1664朵花,收杂交果6个,计18粒种子,现已育出幼苗14株.通过移苗观测,发现个别幼苗的外部形态已出现变异.橡胶×石栗已有初获成功的报导,现仅报导橡胶×木油桐第一阶段试验情况.
Hevea brasiliensis is a tropical rainforest plant native to the Amazonian Amazon basin in South America. After its eastward and northward migration, Hevea brasiliensis is often cultivated in reclamation areas in northern China. To solve the problem of cold damage, various measures have been taken Cold hard breeding breeding work as one of the key measures in the past, more intraspecific hybridization, although the level of cold resistance in future generations increased, but not a large extent .For the breeding of a new cold hardiness rubber lines, in 1977 we except In addition to continuing the hybridization study between Aleu-rites moluccana Willd and rubber, the first hybridization between rubber and Aleurites montana was carried out. Flowers, received hybrid fruit 6, accounting for 18 seeds, 14 seedlings have been bred. Through the observation of seedlings and found that the external morphology of individual seedlings have been mutated. Rubber × Shi Li has been successfully reported first report is only reported Rubber × wood tung in the first phase of the test situation.