“大风车”节目中,有一个“风 车谜社”。去年9月25日这天,谜 社出了这样一道谜:“我国哪位教 育家曾提出‘要懂得儿童’?”题板 上的选项是:A.陶行之B.蔡元培。 现场抢答的小朋友选择的是“陶行 之”。主持人说答对了。 真的答对了吗?其实没有。不 过,责任不在小朋友,而在电视台。 因为这道题的答案本身就是错的。 我国现代教育史上的著名教育家 是陶行知,而不是陶行之。
“Windmill” program, there is a “windmill mystery club.” On September 25 last year, the mystery came out with such a mystery: “Which educator in our country once made the proposal of” knowing children? “The options on the panel are: Tao Xing of B. Cai Yuanpei. The answer to the scene of the children choose the ”pottery line." The host said right. Really correct? In fact, no. However, the responsibility is not children, but in television. Because the answer to this question is itself wrong. The famous educator in the history of modern education in our country is Tao Xingzhi, not Tao Xingzhi.