2006年1月31日,美国司法部部长费舍宣布,涉嫌贪污、盗窃中国银行7亿美元的广东“开平案”主要犯罪嫌疑人许超凡和许国俊将被联邦大陪审闭提起公诉。同时被起诉的还有三个主要犯罪嫌疑人(主犯之一余振东已被遣返回国)的妻子,他们将以协助其夫伪造身份骗取签证的罪名被起诉。6年前,三个贪官为了携赃款举家潜逃美国,曾导演了一场妻子嫁到美国的假结婚丑剧。 6年后,在拉斯维加斯赌城北部8公里的一个小镇监狱里,许国俊的妻子余英怡被关押在斗室里。泪流满面的的余英怡向律师讲述了她与美国人假结婚来到美国后苦不堪言的绝望生涯……
On January 31, 2006, U.S. Minister of Justice Fischer announced that Xu Chaofan and Xu Guojun, the major suspects in Guangdong “Kaiping case” suspected of embezzlement and theft of 700 million U.S. dollars in Bank of China, will be prosecuted by the federal grand trial. Also prosecuted were the wives of three major suspects, one of whom was the victim of a repatriation trip, who will be prosecuted for assisting her husband in fraudulently fraudulently obtaining a visa. Six years ago, three corrupt officials, who had absconded with the United States for the purpose of carrying illicit money, have directed a fake married act to marry his wife in the United States. Six years later, in a small town prison eight kilometers north of the Las Vegas casino, Mr Hui’s wife, Yu Ying Yi, was held in a dilapidated room. Yu Yingyi burst into tears to tell her lawyer about the desperate life she was suffering when she came to the United States to marry a U.S. man.