胆囊腺肌瘤是一种罕见的病变,文献中极少提及,近期见到1例,报告如下: 患者女性,70岁,主诉腹部不适4年余,近半年来症状加重伴皮肤黄染,全身搔痒。曾在当地医院就诊,给予抗感染,症状未见好转。“B超”检查示慢性胆囊炎、胆石症。查体见皮肤巩膜轻度黄染。腹平软,肝脾肋下未触及,全腹无压病,莫菲氏征阴性。86年6月手术,术中见胆囊萎缩、壁增厚并与横结肠、十二指肠紧密相贴,分离后显示胆囊与横结肠相通,瘘口嵌有结石一枚,胆总管内有巨大结石一枚。病理检查:切除之胆囊明显萎缩,长5.2cm,周径2.3cm,壁厚0.3~0.5cm,胆囊中段有一蛋形突起,1.5×1.2cm,表面光滑,灰黄色,一侧与胆囊壁相连。镜检肿块由胆囊腺管及平滑肌组成,腺上皮呈柱
Gallbladder adenomyoma is a rare lesion that is rarely mentioned in the literature. One case was seen recently. The report is as follows: A female patient, 70 years old, complained of abdominal discomfort for more than four years, and her symptoms worsened with skin yellowing in the past six months. Itchy body. He was treated at a local hospital and given anti-infection. His symptoms did not improve. “B-ultrasound” examination showed chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Examination of the skin showed slight yellowing of the skin sclera. The abdomen was soft, the liver and spleen did not touch under the ribs, there was no pressure in the whole abdomen, and the Murphy’s sign was negative. In June, 86 surgery, gallbladder atrophy, thickening of the wall and close to the transverse colon and duodenum were observed during the operation. After separation, the gallbladder and the transverse colon were connected. The fistula was embedded with a stone. There was a huge stone in the common bile duct. Pieces. Pathological examination: The resected gallbladder was significantly atrophic, 5.2 cm long, 2.3 cm in circumference, and 0.3-0.5 cm thick. There was an egg-shaped protrusion in the middle of the gallbladder, 1.5 x 1.2 cm. The surface was smooth and gray-yellow. One side was connected with the gallbladder wall. Microscopic examination of the mass consisted of gallbladder ducts and smooth muscles. The glandular epithelium was a column.