在盐湖城冬奥会上,中国代表团金牌零的突破希望锁定在短道速滑上,花样滑冰双人滑、自由式滑雪、女子空中技巧则致力于冲击奖牌。 短道速滑:女队稍稍 占优,男队形势严峻 上届冬奥会短道速滑获得5银一铜,未能实现金牌零的突破。客观地说,本届形势比上届要好一些。一是增加了男女1500米两个小项,压力和竞争有所分散。二是我国参赛运动员相对成熟,主要队员都参加过上届奥运会,个别队员如李佳军、小杨阳参加了两届。三是我们对这个项目运动规律的认识和把握上比上届要成熟。
At Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, the Chinese delegation’s gold medal breakthrough hopes to lock in the short track speed skating, skating double skating, freestyle skiing, women’s aerial skills are dedicated to impact the medal. Short track speed skating: the women’s team a little dominant, men’s team grim last short track speed skating Winter Olympics won 5 silver a copper, failed to achieve zero gold breakthrough. Objectively speaking, the current situation is better than the previous one. First, an increase of 1,500 meters for men and women two small items, pressure and competition have been dispersed. Second, the athletes are relatively mature in China, the main players have participated in the last Olympic Games, individual players such as Li Jiajun, Yang Yang participated in two sessions. Third, our understanding of the law of movement of this project and its grasping are more mature than the previous one.