目的了解中药材刺猬皮孳生粉螨的种类及薄粉螨休眠体的形态特征。方法采集芜湖市某中药材店中药材刺猬皮320 g,采用直接镜检法分离其中的粉螨,在光学显微镜下对薄粉螨休眠体的形态特征进行观察。结果从320 g刺猬皮中筛分出细粒混合物11 g,分离鉴定出5种粉螨,分别为伯氏嗜木螨(Caloglyphus berlesei)、食菌嗜木螨(Caloglyphus mycophagus)、腐食酪螨(Tyrophagus putrescentiae)、薄粉螨(Acarus sgracili)和害嗜鳞螨(Lepidoglyphusdestructor),隶属于2科4属5种粉螨。同时,在刺猬皮中发现了薄粉螨不活动休眠体。结论中药材刺猬皮存在粉螨污染,并首次在中药材刺猬皮上发现薄粉螨休眠体,应加强对中药材粉螨的防制。
Objective To understand the species of acaroid mites and the morphological characteristics of the hypnotic mite in the hedgehog. Methods The hedgehog skin of 320 g was collected from a Chinese herbal medicine shop in Wuhu City. The acaroid mites were isolated by direct microscopic examination. Morphological characteristics of dormant mites were observed under a light microscope. Results The powder mixture of 11 g was isolated from 320 g of hedgehog skin. Five kinds of acaroid mites were isolated and identified as Caloglyphus berlesei, Caloglyphus mycophagus, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Acarus sgracili and Lepidoglyphus destructor belong to 2 species, 4 genera and 5 species of acaroid mites. Meanwhile, an inactive dormant body of powdery mites was found in the hedgehog. Conclusion There is powder mite pollution in the hedgehog skin of Chinese herbal medicine. For the first time, the dormant body of powder mite is found on the hedgehog skin of Chinese herbal medicine. The prevention and control of powder mite should be strengthened.