Transmission Properties of Radar Wave through Reentry Plasma Sheath

来源 :电子科技学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qgdjyahaha
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In this paper, by taking into account the coupling of the ionization of ablation gas and atmosphere, an electrons density distribution model is built. Using this model, the transmission properties of different polarization radar wave through sheath are evaluated on the basis of the transmission matrix theory. Then, we discuss the effects of the electrons density, the added magnetic field, and the radar wave frequency on the transmission properties. As a result of this investigation,greater transmission power could be gained in order to efficiently shorten communication blackout,by reducing the electrons density or choosing proper added magnetic field and the frequency of the radar wave according to the different polarization form of the radar wave.
1991~ 1 997年 ,通过室内生测和田间多点试验示范 ,系统分析了三唑磷对水稻三化螟、二化螟和褐飞虱的触杀活性、对稻株的渗透性、胃毒作用和杀卵活性、持效期以及田间效果。结