世界展览业协会(原国际展览联盟)The GlobalAssociation of the Exhilition Industry简称UFI,目前世界展览界最权威、最重要的国际组织。它是一个非政府、非赢利性的组织,其会员不是个人,而是与展览业有关的协会、公司以及相应的管理机构。截止2003年11月,UFI拥有237个会员,获得其认准的展览会共有661个(其中我国除港澳台外有10个)。成为UFI成员的好处、所办的展览会能被其认可的作用,现已被越来越多的展览机构所认识和重视,并成为为之努力与追求的目标。
World Association of Exhibition Industry (formerly International Exhibition Union) The GlobalAssociation of the Exhilition Industry referred to as UFI, the world’s most authoritative international exhibitions, the most important international organizations. It is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization whose members are not individuals, but the exhibition industry-related associations, companies and the corresponding regulatory agencies. As of November 2003, UFI has 237 members and attracted 661 exhibitions (of which 10 are from China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). The benefits of being a member of UFI, the exhibition to be held by its recognition of the role, has now been more and more exhibition organizations recognized and valued, and become the goal of efforts and pursuit.