欲上中天摘星斗,直倾东海洗乾坤。竹密不妨流水过,山 高岂碍白云飞。”这首对仗工整,气势磅礴的诗颇有李白之风,作者正是本文的主人公──辽宁海域三鱼泵业股份有限公司的董事长兼总经理,从中可以看出他的气魄和追求。 戴与其它许多企业家比较,有一个显著的不同点就是读书成癖、博览群著,光古书就收藏了1280部。戴爱做诗,经常在报刊杂志发表论文、散文,喜作画,国画、油画样样精通。他还写得一手好书法,爱京剧,绝对的票友,他还笃信佛教。总之,在我们所接触的企业家中,戴喜东是比较特殊的一位。 中国加入WTO,受冲击最大的当属农业。如何实现农业产业化?戴喜东又给我们提供了一个生动的实例。 很多企业认为农民消费水平低,把目光更多的转向了城市消费群。戴喜东却认为农村是一个潜力巨大的消费市场,被人忽略就意味着有更多的空白,也即意味着有更多的商机。关键是看怎么定位,秘诀就是真正仔细研究农民的更正需要。戴喜东从2600元起家,把科技含量并不高的微型农用水泵做专、做透、做强、做大,最后成了全国微型水泵大王。 67岁的他下一个目标是进人生物肥领域,先创回名牌绿色食品,以莫为生物肥推广的回板.两环相扣.力求非正。正如苏效古稀泥悟一一“一项能狂使少年”
To starry sky starry, straight to the East China Sea wash heaven and earth. Bamboo dense may wish to water, the mountain does not prevent Bai Yunfei. “The first pair of rebellions neat, poetic Li quite Li Bai style, the author is the protagonist of this article - the Liaoning Sanhai Pump Co., Ltd. chairman and general manager, from which you can see his spirit and pursuit Compared with many other entrepreneurs, Dai has a remarkable difference from reading books and reading books, and there are a total of 1280 books on light and ancient books.Daiai’s poetry often publishes essays, essays, like paintings and traditional Chinese paintings in newspapers and periodicals , He is good at calligraphy, love Peking Opera, absolute fancier, he also believes in Buddhism.In short, we are in contact with entrepreneurs, Dai Xidong is a more special one .China’s accession to the WTO, by the impact How to achieve the industrialization of agriculture? Dai Xidong gave us a vivid example.Many companies think that the low level of consumption of farmers, the more the eyes turned to urban consumers.Dai Xidong that the countryside is a huge potential Of the consumer market, being ignored means there is more gap, which means there are more business opportunities. The key is to look The secret is to really carefully study the needs of farmers to correct.Dai Xidong started from 2,600 yuan, the scientific and technological content is not high micro-agricultural pumps as a specialist, thorough, stronger and bigger, and finally became the king of mini-pumps nationwide. His next goal is to enter the field of bio-fertilizer, the first to return to the brand-name green food, to Mo as a fertilizer to promote the return of board. Two interlocking. Seek non-positive. Can crazy teenager ”