一、海宁港口现状 海宁港位于杭州湾北岸,东靠上海,西临杭州,港内六平申线、嘉欤硖线等一些省级干线航道穿越其中,水运地理位置优越。近年来,随着海宁经济的快速发展,港口码头业发展也十分迅速。据统计,海宁港现有码头单位(个人)128个,拥有泊位245个,吊机210台,岸线总长度6656米,最大靠泊能力300吨级,其中公共码头泊位35个。2002年货物吐吞量达到1373万吨,其
I. Status of Haining Port Haining Port is located on the north bank of Hangzhou Bay, east of Shanghai, west of Hangzhou, Hong Kong Liu Ping line, Jiayao line and some provincial trunk routes through which the waterway, water transport strategic location. In recent years, with the rapid economic development in Haining, the development of the port wharf industry is also very rapid. According to statistics, there are 128 quay units (individuals) in Haining Port, with 245 berths and 210 cranes. The total coastline length is 6656 meters and the maximum berthing capacity is 300 tons, of which 35 are public berths. In 2002, the throughput of the goods reached 13.73 million tons