目的探讨直肠癌保肛手术后吻合口瘘的原因及防治措施。方法回顾分析如皋市人民医院2004-01-2009-12直肠癌前切除保肛手术85例的临床资料。结果均一次吻合成功,术后发生吻合口瘘8例,均经非手术综合治疗后瘘口愈合,愈合时间14~50 d。结论充分的术前准备,手术中仔细操作,术后保持引流管通畅.有效的抗炎和营养支持是防治直肠癌保肛手术后吻合口瘘的重要措施。
Objective To investigate the causes and prevention measures of anastomotic fistula after anus-preserving surgery in rectal cancer. Methods Retrospective analysis of Rugao People ’s Hospital 2004-01-2009-12 rectal cancer anus preservation operation in 85 cases of clinical data. The results were consistent with the success of anastomosis, anastomotic fistula occurred in 8 cases, were non-surgical treatment of fistula healing, healing time 14 ~ 50 d. Conclusion Adequate preoperative preparation, careful operation during operation and postoperative maintenance of drainage tube patency.Effective anti-inflammatory and nutritional support is an important measure to prevent anastomotic fistula after rectal anal surgery.