声播海内外的广东音乐,应当成为“人类口述遗产和非物质遗产”。广东省博物馆新馆“装载珍品的容器”建筑方案尘埃落定,这个造型典雅的精美“容器”将装载什么珍品呢?为此,省博于5月25日举行《广东省博物馆新馆陈列展览概念性设计策划书》专家咨询会。省博新馆是我省“十五”期间十大重点工程之一, 众多岭南文化瑰宝将收藏其中。窃以为,新馆应专设 “广东音乐多媒体展示厅”及其网站,使这朵南国艺术
The broadcasting of Cantonese music at home and abroad should become “the oral and intangible heritage of human beings.” Guangdong Provincial Museum of new museum “Containers of treasures ” construction program settled, the elegant and exquisite “container ” will be loaded with what treasures it? To this end, Provincial Bo held on May 25 “Guangdong Provincial Museum New Museum exhibition exhibition conceptual design plan ”expert consultation. Provincial Bo new museum is my province “fifteen ” during the ten major projects, many Lingnan cultural treasures will be one of them. Steal that the new museum should be dedicated “Guangdong Music Multimedia Exhibition Hall ” and its website, so that the art of South China